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20 min of prayer for 20 days - Part 1 - Pray for South Africa (The Country)

Ons het gister begin met die "pray for 20 min for 20 days campaign", en ek dink ons moet begin by die begin.

Kom ons bid vir ons land, ons regering, die leiers van ons land!!

Die land en die reging, het so groot invloed op ons mens wees, ons daaglikse bewegings en finansies. Ja, ek verstaan dat die regeining nie verantwoordelik is vir die virus wat ons en die res van die wêreld lam lê nie, maar die regerng het 'n groot invloed op hoe alles hanteer word. Elkeen van ons het seker sy eie siening oor die hele debakel, ook seker sy eie oplossing maar ek is bevrees dat die geskiedenis homself weer sal herhaal. Elkeen blameer iemand anders en is uitgesproke oor sy mening en oplossings.

We read in Jeremiah 42:1- 3 that all the army leaders, including Johanan son of Kareah and Azariah son of Heshaiah, came with people of every class and said to me, that is to Jeremia,

Please do what we asked you!

Pray to the Lord our God for us. Pray for all of us who have survived. Once there were many of us; but now only a few of us are left, as you can see. Pray that the Lord will show us the way we should go and what we should we do.

We now know what to do !!

We need to come together, all the army leaders and the people of every class, and stand together and ask the same question to our Government, Parliament and leaders to pray for us to the Lord our God. No, let start by praying for our Government & Parliament and leaders and ask the Lord our God to show them the way to go and what they should do.

Jeremiah said to them, "Very well, then. I will pray to the Lord our God, just as you have asked, and whatever he says, I will tell you, I will not keep back anything from you.

Dit is wat die Here wil hê ons moet doen, ons moet tot Hom nader as 'n eenheid en Sy raad vra. Ons moet hoor wat Hy vir ons sê en die enigste manier hoe ons gaan hoor, is wanneer die Heilige Gees, die tussenganger, ons oë en ore oopmaak om God te hoor. Ons lees in Johannes 15:9 - 17 wat liefde werklik is. " Soos die Vader My liefhet, het Ek julle ook lief.. Julle moet in My liefde bly. As julle my opdragte uitvoer, sal julle in My liefde bly, net soos Ek die opdragte van my Vader uitvoer en in Sy liefde bly..

John 15: 11 - "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: love one another, just as love you. The greatest love a person can have for his friends, and that is the whole of South Africa, is to give his life for them. Just like Jesus did for us. In John 15:15 Jesus said to the disciples, I do not call you servants longer, because servants does not know what his master is doing. Instead, I call you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father. You did not chose me; I chose you and appointed you to go and bear much fruit, the kind of fruit that endures. And so the Father will give you whatever you ask of him in my name. This, then is what I command you: Love one another.

Ons het geen verskoning om mekaar lief te hê nie. Dit hang nou van ons af. Maak nie saak watter kleur of geur jy is nie, ons is geroep om mekaar lief te hê. Ons moet diensbaar raak vir mekaar, ons land, regering en alles wat daar mee gepaart gaan, deur gebed. Is jy bereid om 20 minute van jou dag af te staan, 20 minute van die 1440 minute, wat in elkgeval aan jou geleen word, aan gebed af te staan, vir die volgende 20 dae.

Die Here het na 10 dae terug gekom na Jeremia [Jer 42:7] en Jeremia het gesê aan die leëraanvoerders en al die mense, klein en groot; So sê die Here die God van Israel na wie toe julle my gestuur het om julle versoek aan Hom voor te lê.. As julle in hierdie land bly, sal ek julle bou en julle nie plat slaan nie, julle vestig en julle nie afbreek nie. Ek sal die ramp wat Ek oor julle gebring het, nie verder voer nie. Moenie so bang wees vir die koning van Babel nie, moenie vir hom bang wees nie, sê die Here, want Ek is by julle om julle te red en julle uit sy mag te bevry. Ek sal julle genadig wees en julle na julle land toe laat terug gaan.

Is die koning van Babel nie maar die situasie waarin ons sit nie. Een dominerende siekte wat alles en almal oorheers, die Suid Afrika tot stilstand gedwing het. Die Here sê dat Hy nie die ramp verder sal voer nie, Hy sal ons land bou en nie plat slaan nie, ons vestig en nie afbreek nie. ons moenie bang wees nie, Hy is by ons om ons te red en uit die mag van die siekte te bevry. Hy sal ons genadig wees en ons terug laat gaan na die land, die land soos Hy dit wil hê.

Ons roeping is dus om tot God te nader in die 20 minute. Kom ons verheerlik Hom deur te bid vir:

  • Ons leiers van die land om die regte besluit te neem

  • Ons parlement om die besluite wat geneem is tot hulle reg te laat kom

  • Ons land se finansieële welstand

  • Our local government to use what ever was assigned to them you use it wisely

  • Our Municipalities to look after the well being of all

  • Our church leaders to unit all of South Africa in the Name of God.

  • Our teachers and lectures to make sure that our children are educated and trained, and there safety during this crisis

  • Our medical professionals, to make sure that each and everyone is looked after

  • Our hospitals and hospital staff are safe during this pandemic

  • Our Police and Defense force serve and protect in this difficult times

  • All the people that struggles financially

  • People that lost there jobs

  • People without a roof over there heads, the one sleeping under the bridge or under a tree.

I think 20 minute is not enough but it's a start.

Hoor wat sê Jeremia vir die volk in Jer 42: 19 " Weet verseker, ek waarsku julle vandag, julle maak 'n fout! Julle lewe is op die spel. Julle het vir my na die Here julle God gestuur en gevra: Bid vir ons tot die Here ons God, sê vir ons alles wat die Here ons God sê, ons sal dit doen.

Jeremia kom vra die volk in [21] is julle gehoorsaam aan die Here julle God, aan alles wat Hy my opgedra het om vir julle te sê?

Dit is die vraag wat ek en jy moet antwoord!! Want as ons nie is nie sê Jeremia, weet nou verseker dat julle deur oorlog, deur hongersnood en deur pes sal sterf op die plekk waar julle so graag wil gaan woon.

South Africa lets unite in the Name of Jesus, the Son of God and change our future, the future our children by doing what Jeremiah did, he prayed to God.

Do you want to be part of the change in our country? If yes, please complete the attached form so that we can add you to our Whats App group.

Do you know of any other people that need urgent prayers? Let us know and we will do what Jeremiah did, pray to God. Please complete the form by clicking on the link provided.

Dear God, we stand in front of You and thank You for the warning that You gave us. Help us to unite in your Name. Help us to listen to the Holy Spirit and guide us to do what you have intended us to do.

We ask you to listen to our harts and feel the pain and suffering we bring onto our-self. Lead us through the Holy Spirit to find the right path for us as individuals and for us as a country.

Help our leaders, government and provincial leader to understand that the power of glory is in your Name. That you have chosen us and not the other way around.

Help us to for fill your command in John 15: 15 - This then is what I command you: Love one another.

God help us to love each other the way you loved us by dying on the cross for us.

In Jesus Name we Pray.


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